Skin cancer, or the abnormal growth of skin cells, most commonly develops due to skin exposure to harmful UVA and UVB rays, often from sunlight. Cancer of the skin begins in the epidermis, or upper/outer skin layer, which is made of three kinds of cells where cancer can grow: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.
Mental Health Awareness Month is an opportunity to celebrate our health overall. It is an opportunity to work to eliminate the stigma associated with mental health conditions and mental health treatment.
Mental health plays a significant role in cancer treatment, from diagnosis to survivorship. As a comprehensive cancer center, NYCBS ensures patients and their care teams work together to assess emotional needs and set goals to address them.
The spine consists of 24 bones that are of different shapes and sizes stacked on top of each other that form 3 gentle curves. This alignment is called a neutral spine. The neutral spine is the strongest and safest position for the spine.