Halloween is traditionally a time for kids to roam neighborhoods and gather treats. This new trend of trunk-or-treating brings the community together in one safe place. The best part is that the parking lot is roped off, freeing kids to stroll from place to place. Bring your bags of candy, comfortable chairs, and all the little ghosts and goblins will visit your vehicle to collect their treats or get tricked!
Regular breast screenings are so important due to the severity and commonality of breast cancer. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and one in thirty-nine women will die from breast cancer. Most doctors recommend starting breast screening at forty; this first step is called a mammogram.
October is widely known as breast cancer awareness month. But, something not widely known about breast cancer is that men can also get breast cancer. While men developing breast cancer is rarer than women, it is not unheard of. The risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer as a man is about 1 in 1,000, but that risk still exists. Breast cancer does not discriminate.