Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, especially for older men? Though many forms of prostate cancer show slow growth and stay confined to the prostate gland, others may be aggressive, spreading quickly throughout the body.

Early diagnosis is critical for successful treatment. So, in observance of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, learn the symptoms, risk factors, and prevention tips below:

What You Should Know About Prostate Cancer

What is Prostate Cancer?

The prostate is a gland found below the bladder and in front of the rectum in men. When cells in this gland begin to grow out of control, prostate cancer is present. However, many might not notice exhibit any issues for years, and spreading is often slow.

What Are The Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?

When undiagnosed or in advanced stages, prostate cancer could lead to certain signs and symptoms. Some everyday things to look out for may include:

    Trouble urinating or decreased force in the urine stream
    Blood in the urine or semen
    Bone pain
    Erectile dysfunction
    Sudden and unexpected weight loss

Knowing the Causes and Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer

Though there is no apparent cause for prostate cancer, doctors know that it does begin when cells in the prostate start changing their DNA. Though the cause is unknown, there are common risk factors, including older age and race. Not only is it more common in African Americans, but it also tends to be more aggressive. Your weight and family history (such as a parent, sibling, or blood relative with a past diagnosis) could also increase your risk of prostate cancer.

Ways to Prevent Your Risk of Prostate Cancer

To help reduce your risks, you’ll want to eat healthily, exercise, maintain a healthy weight, and keep your physicians aware of your high risk of prostate cancer. Of course, screenings will all depend on your age, race, and if symptoms are present or not. Either way, it’s essential to keep an open and honest dialogue with your doctors.

If you are concerned about your prostate health or have an increased risk of prostate cancer, look no further than the experts at NYCBS. The physicians and staff are committed to delivering the best quality care available. Our wide variety of services are here to help ensure that you get personalized care. We continuously strive to deliver the best medical care possible with your well-being in mind.

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