Tips to Optimize Your Colon Health

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Over the past decade, the rate of colorectal cancer in Americans under age 50 increased by approximately 2.2% per year. 

What can you do to help prevent colorectal cancer and colorectal cancer recurrence? 

Consume 3 servings (90 grams) of whole grains daily; this helps maintain a good level of healthy gut bacteria (aka probiotics) and reduces colorectal cancer by approximately 17%.

What else can you do to optimize colon health? 

  • Work towards a healthy body weight 
  • Limit red meat
  • Avoid processed meat
  • Consume more fruits & vegetables 
  • Limit alcohol 
  • Don’t smoke
  • Be physically active
  • AND…Get a colonoscopy (as per recommendations)
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